
SmartTAG – a tag that protects every single item from counterfeits. Build a communication bridge with your consumers!


Scanning the QR code redirects the user to the webpage, where the product can be verified for authenticity. User can also access additional information.

Unique Stained 
Glass Image

Each product unit has its own unique stained glass pattern. Compare the webpage image with the product pattern to check if it is authentic or counterfeit.

Unique Serial 

Сryptographically signed product id makes it possible to verify authenticity without relying on Uatag infrastructure. Issuance records are stored in a public blockchain.


Consumer activates the product by entering the PIN code or OTP SMS (One Time Password). Client gets the data and a communication channel, while consumer gets rewards for participation.

SmartTAG ensures the safety of every single product item with multi-level protection.

The presence of such a tag makes your product stand out on store shelves as customers prefer to purchase protected goods.

Implementation Options
Tag on Packaging

The tag can be both incorporated into the packaging and the
product itself.

Physical Sticker

A secure, self-adhesive tag is placed on the packaging.

Unique Design

Features of the tag can be customized.

AI Tag

AI generates a unique image that you can convert to NFT.

Ready to Work
with Us?
It's safely, reliably
and very technologically!
Enter the ID from your sticker to check originality
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